
Online Pet Sitting Directories and Apps – Buyer Beware!

More and more pet-sitter directory websites and apps are Smiling dogcontinuing to grow in the market place. As tech companies, they are often backed by venture capitalists whose main objective is turn a quick profit. The last thing on their mind is the safety of your pet. Pet owners need to learn the difference between a local professional pet sitting, dog walking business and this high tech alternative.

Many of these companies have little to no requirements for pet sitters to list their services. They will accept listings from kids, college students and other non-professional sitters.

Often, the site does not differential between professional and non-professional sitters. A professional sitter is insured, bonded and certified. She or he offers the service on a full-time basis and is their primary source of revenue and income.

Pet sitter directory sites have varying limits to insurance coverage. Make sure you understand the fine print including its policies, how complaints and claims are handled and what actions may be considered violations of the site’s rules.

Before deciding to hire a pet sitter from an app or directory website, do your pet a favor and ask the right questions. Don’t base your decision on price alone. Remember, you get what you pay for.

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